How Soon Can I Get Dental Implants After Extraction?

featured for getting dental implants after extraction

In most cases, your personal dentist will recommend replacing a missing tooth with dental implants as soon as possible. In fact, a patient loses up to 25% of jaw bone density already in the first year after a tooth extraction or loss. Bone density reduction can make placing dental implants much more challenging and also … Read more

How to Clean Dental Implants

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Dental implants are a significant investment in restoring functionality to your mouth through restorative dentistry, which is life-saving for many patients. Although dental implants are durable, proper cleaning is crucial to prevent complications and ensure their longevity. The last thing we want is for your implants to not last a lifetime. Still, a common concern … Read more

The Benefits of Choosing a Dentist Near You

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In today’s fast-paced world, finding a dentist who is close to your home or workplace is becoming increasingly important. With the numerous benefits of choosing a dentist near you, it is no wonder that more and more people are making the switch. Finding a dentist that is both convenient and reliable can be a daunting … Read more

Preparing for Dental Implants

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If you are looking to repair broken, missing, or misaligned teeth, dental implants might be the best treatment option. As the most popular and successful restorative dentistry option on the market today, dental implants can help you get back to a functional lifestyle. If you want to eat, smile, and speak without any dental issues, … Read more

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