It’s estimated that five to twelve percent of adults in the US suffer from TMJ. At Mission Viejo Dental Specialists, our team understands that TMJ goes beyond a painful jaw. The symptoms often include severe headaches, ear ringing, jaw popping, and neck pain. Our fantastic team will not only provide symptom relief but address the root cause as well.

Botulinum Toxin for TMJ

One of our highly effective treatment options for TMJ disorders uses a component called Botulinum toxin. You may have heard of this compound's use for cosmetic treatments, but it has a range of functional medical applications as well.

Using Botulinum toxin for TMJ disorders in Mission Viejo can prove a safe and effective treatment option for people who suffer painful and recurring symptoms. Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, works by blocking the release of certain chemicals that cause muscle contractions. The effects of botulinum toxin can reduce pain and improve jaw function in patients with TMJ. Studies have also shown that Botulinum toxin injections can reduce the symptoms of TMJ, including reducing inflammation and muscle spasms.

At our practice, we use a gentle technique to administer the medication directly into the affected muscles or joints. This helps to reduce any discomfort associated with the procedure. It is important for patients to discuss their expectations with us before undergoing their individual treatment plan. It is also vital that a skilled professional with the right experience is the one who provides the treatment in order for the patient to have a safe and effective experience.

How Soon Can I See Results?

Generally, patients can begin to feel results from Botulinum toxin injections within a few days of their treatment. Over time, studies have shown that symptoms from TMJ are likely to improve and continue to do so for up to 6 months after the initial injection.

It is important for patients to keep in mind that this type of treatment is not a cure-all and that long-term benefits will vary from person to person. Botulinum toxin injections can provide relief from pain and improve jaw function, but they do not necessarily correct the underlying cause of TMJ. If patients are looking for a long-term solution and have not found success with other treatments, they should discuss alternative options with us.

Is Botulinum Toxin for TMJ Right for Me?

While this treatment can prove highly effective and often delivers consistent results, it might not be for every patient. The first step is to set up your consultation with our TMJ specialist in Mission Viejo. During your appointment, we can work closely with you to understand your situation and symptoms before matching you with a personalized approach for treatment.



What Exactly Is The TMJ?

The medical term for your jaw is TMJ, which stands for temporomandibular joint. Your TMJ is a hinge joint that connects your lower jaw to the skull. The joint is crucial since it enables chewing, talking, and swallowing. Like your knee, the joint is heavily used. The TMJ has built-in shock absorbers, cartilage, and meniscus to enable heavy usage.

stock image of patient seeing her teeth in mirror with doctor



What Are The Causes Of TMJ?

Many possible factors contribute to and cause TMJ. An accurate diagnosis is essential to prescribe the correct treatment. TMJ joint and muscle complications can arise from:

  • stress leading to jaw clenching, especially at night
  • arthritis
  • certain medical conditions causing inflammation
  • physical trauma and whiplash to neck and jaw area

If left untreated, TMJ can lead to more severe complications. Examples are bone damage, locked jaw, scar tissue, and difficulty chewing. Another complication is jaw popping and clicking. The jaw will click when the meniscus shifts out of position. This excessive wear and tear from the shift can lead to nerve compression.

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Symptoms of TMJ

Since the TMJ is such a unique and complex joint near many tissues, various symptoms can appear. Common signs to look out for include:

Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

  • jaw popping and clicking when opening
  • difficulty opening mouth wide open
  • toothaches
  • locking of jaw
  • difficulty eating, specifically chewing and swallowing
  • head symptoms of headaches, dizziness, and earaches
  • pain shooting from jaw joint to ears, neck, and shoulders
  • tinnitus, ringing in the ears

If you have noticed any of these, we recommend calling Mission Viejo Dental Specialist today to get your appointment locked in. With a quick root canal, you can eliminate all these symptoms safely and effectively.

TMJ Treatments

Mission Viejo Dental Specialists has years of successful experience treating TMJ. We specialize in custom treatments for your unique situation. Our team knows that no two mouths are alike, and neither should their treatments. TMJ is a condition with a mechanical origin. So our dentist‘s treatment will focus on correcting jaw mechanics while providing symptom relief.

TMJ treatments will vary depending on case severity. For mild cases, the doctor can recommend jaw stretching exercises and medications for pain. Moderate and severe cases can be treated with oral appliances. These specific appliances for the TMJ help realign the mandible to relieve pressure from the bones and nerves. Very severe cases can be referred for oral surgery.

So if your quality of life is suffering from TMJ symptoms, call our dental office today. See the specialists find the answers and relief you’ve been seeking. Our team at Mission Viejo Dental Specialists looks forward to helping you soon.

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