Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a precise procedure that allows for the grafting and unionization of specially crafted materials to help improve your teeth. Bonding is useful and needed in many scenarios. In many circumstances, we perform this to help reinforce and strengthen your teeth. Bonding is designed to help improve the durability of your enamel. When you chip, crack or notice a loss of functionality with your teeth, we often recommend undergoing bonding.

How Does It Work?

Oftentimes, dental bonding is used for cosmetic purposes, and in most situations, it is a permanent fix. Not only does it help with cracks and chips, but it can also fix any discoloration, gaps, or abnormal lengths.

In our bonding process, we use a special resin that sticks to your tooth. Once it is applied, it is molded to fit and fill in the missing or damaged area. This procedure is invasive and is very easy to perform. In many circumstances, you will not need to have any anesthesia or sedatives to complete this.

stock image of patient seeing her teeth in mirror with doctor



What Is The Process?

The bonding process is rather simple and can be broken down into a few steps. However, our team and doctor will also provide another briefing once we proceed. In short, the entire process will flow as such.

We begin this process by first conducting a scan and finding the issue. After detecting the issue, we then find a proper resin to match your teeth color. The next step in this process is to create the surface and prepare for the resin to bond to your teeth. Following the application and molding, our team at Mission Viejo will complete the process by drying it under a UV light.

Should the dentist or you feel that there isn’t enough resin on your broken tool or should you feel that the repair isn’t quite right, our team will continue to reapply and reshape the resin in order to create a proper fit.

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Are There Any Risks?

Unlike veneers or dental implants, dental bonding is a relatively quick and invasive process. As mentioned earlier, there is often no need for anesthesia or sedatives. Similarly, dental bonding doesn’t require any grinding down of your teeth. If your newly bonded tooth were to chip or end up mishapen, we can fix it with ease.



How Do I Care For My Newly Bonded Tooth?

Care for your newly bonded tooth is rather simple and straight forward. After the proceedure, we recommend that you avoid from chewing on hard substances such as ice or hard candies. Our team will instruct you, but we would like to note that your new dental bonds are susceptible to staining, like your regular teeth.

Unlike your normal teeth, you cannot whiten your resin bonds. Please use caution when it comes to drinking coffee or red wine.

At Mission Viejo, we understand that many like to enjoy foods and beverages that can cause staining. As a result, the best way to prevent any future discoloration is to whiten your teeth first and bond second. 

Repair, Restore and Perfect Your Smile

Are you ready to repair, restore, protect, and perfect your smile? No matter the issue, our trusted team at Mission Viejo Dental Group is here to help you achieve that look and restore your confidence. Count on us to bond your teeth the right way. Let’s repair any chips, cracks, and restore any discoloration with dental bonding.

Contact us today!

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