8 Common Myths About Root Canals

Even the most experienced dental patient feels a bit of fear when thinking about a root canal treatment. However, in many cases, the basis of this fear comes from popular myths and false narratives about the process and results of this treatment. Watch out for these 8 common myths about root canals.

8 Common Myths About Root Canals

Our Mission Viejo dental specialists are passionate about giving you the correct information, so today we are going to break down 8 common myths about root canals to help you get more familiar with the benefits of this important procedure.

Root Canals Can Make You Sick

People believe that root canals can make it easier for you to get sick or fall ill with an immuno-compromising disease. While plenty of sources on the Internet swear by this truth, dental experts know that this is not the case. There is no connection between a root canal procedure and the development of certain medical issues.

Dentists Prefer Extractions to Root Canals

When an infection spreads so far in the tooth that it is causing extreme pain, you need to visit an emergency dentist. If your tooth can be saved, the dentist will always prefer to perform a root canal procedure over an extraction. Pulling your tooth should only be done as a last resort when the infection has spread too far to save your tooth.

You Can’t Get a Root Canal with an Infection

If you have an active or growing infection, wouldn’t that make it difficult to get a root canal procedure? Most treatments are dangerous to perform on an infected part of the body. But root canals are designed to deal with just that. The infection is the source behind all of your pain and discomfort. And a root canal will likely get rid of that pain after one simple procedure. If you avoid getting a root canal, the infection may spread and its symptoms may worsen.

Root Canals are Painful

If you ask any random person on the street why they don’t want to have a root canal done, almost 66% of Americans will mention fear of pain on the topic of this treatment. This is possibly the biggest and most common of the myths surrounding root canal procedures. Before the development of modern medicine, certain dental procedures had to be performed without anesthesia. Thankfully, our dentist has access to a variety of tools and techniques that make it possible for you to feel absolutely no pain throughout the root canal treatment.

Root Canals Require a Series of Appointments

While some fear pain, others worry about carving out time in their schedule to set multiple dentist appointments. Root canals are thought of as complex, complicated procedures that require you to visit time and time again. However, this could not be further from the truth. Root canals are almost always performed in a single visit. While some may require two appointments, the duration of the treatment is never longer than 90 minutes.

You Don’t Need a Root Canal if You Don’t Have Pain

Some people aren’t even aware that they require a root canal procedure because they do not experience frequent or extreme pain. Infections can cause a number of different symptoms, and not everyone experiences them the same way. You should still visit your dentist regularly to determine whether an infection is present and to decide if this is the right procedure for you.

One Root Canal = A Healed Tooth

Depending on the nature and severity of your infection, you might need to take several steps to restore your teeth back to good health. A root canal treatment is a major part of the process. But it is not the only thing your dentist will do to wipe out all sources of infection. You may also receive a temporary filling, a crown. Or an onlay to protect your teeth against future infection.

A Root Canal Gets Rid of All Roots in the Tooth

Root canals are designed to scoop out the infected part of the tooth’s pulp and nerves. Depending on how far the infection has spread, it is possible that your roots will be left completely intact. In fact, most root canal procedures do not even touch the roots at all. Because it remains important they remain attached to your jawbone for structural support.

Learn more about our advanced, comprehensive, and painless root canal treatments in Mission Viejo when you get in touch with our expert dentists today. Our endodontics team will help you figure out whether or not a root canal is the necessary next step for you. Get in touch with us now and avoid further pain!

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